More of the Same

Here we are, slowly moving towards Oahu, or sometimes the Big Island, or sometimes Maui, or Kauaii. Generally in the right direction, though. Our position at 6:30 PM PDT is latitude 23deg 28min N, longitude 152deg 43min W. Our speed has been around 3 to 4 knots for most of the afternoon. Yesterday, the winds picked up around sunset and held throughout the night, and we certainly hope to get an increase in windspeed again this evening. Our evening radio net indicated that everyone in our vicinity was having an equally slow day.
Last night wewere passed by two freighters, one going to Honolulu, and the other going to Long Beach. They were about five miles off at their closest approach. Early AM today, Ville saw a bright green/blue flare off in the distance. We later learned that another boat in the Pacific Cup fleet saw this and reported it to the Coast Guard. It turned out to be from military operations in the area. Someone mentioned that a green flare was used to signal a surfacing submarine.
We have been flying the new light-weight asymmetrical spinnaker for the past 24 hours, and while it has spent some time drooping lifelessly, it is less likely to foul in the rigging than is the symmetrical spinnaker.
All in all, a pretty lazy day. Daniel and Paul did repair the big spinnaker again, as a portion of the tape we had applied over the earlier rip had pulled off. We are still waiting for the opportunity to fly this sail again.
See attached Google Earth file of the day’s track.
Until tomorrow,
The crew of VALIS


One Response to

  1. Daisy says:

    Great post! I wish i have opportunity to enjoy this kind of experience!

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